Page 13 - The East Sussex Way
P. 13
The ‘talk-rich’ approach has been applied across the curriculum, for
example when discussing the reliability of sources in geography and
history in Years 5 and 6, which allowed pupils to apply speciÞ c topic
vocabulary and terminology accurately in their oral answers and
later written responses. TfW has allowed pupils to use oral retelling
to recap and explain a key event (the Treaty of Versailles in Year 6
History) and to discuss the media and purpose of a design using tier 2
and 3 vocabulary before writing detailed, well-informed evaluations.
With a particular focus on the word gap at transition, pupils in Year
5 and Year 6 have a greater appreciation of the contributions they
make, actively participating and engaging in group and paired
work through collaborative talk. P4C and TfW mean that they are
beginning to lead class discussions with less adult input.
Next steps
Subject leaders will monitor and ensure subject speciÞ c vocabulary
is consistently taught and used within lessons across the whole
school, including pupils having weekly opportunities in all subjects
to use robust vocabulary in exploratory talk and discussions as well
as applying this in written work. We will continue to apply our oracy
strategies from P4C and TfW to strengthen our talk-rich approach,
with the aim that all staff will consistently model productive talk in all