Blinks: High quality reviews and training
Blinks: High quality reviews and training
Blinks: High quality reviews and training
High quality reviews and training
High quality reviews and training

The A - Z Series from John Catt Education
~ reflection, advice, provocation ~

The A-Z series focuses on the 'fun and fundamentals' of what's happening in primary, special and secondary schools today. Each title is written by a leading practitioner, adopting a series approach of reflection, advice and provocation.
Roy Blatchford, series editor.

The A-Z of
Great Classrooms

By Roy Blatchford

The A-Z of Great Classrooms by Roy Blatchford

The A-Z of
Secondary Leadership

By Andy Hunter

The A-Z of Secondary Leadership by Andy Hunter

The A-Z of
Primary Maths

By Kate Frood

The A-Z of Primary Maths by Kate Frood

The A-Z of
School Improvement

By Tim Coulson

The A-Z of School Improvement by Tim Coulson

The A-Z of
Diversity & Inclusion

By Rachel Macfarlane

The A-Z of School Improvement by Tim Coulson

Forthcoming titles
The A-Z of International School Leadership by Simon Watson
The A-Z of MAT Leadership by Neil Blundell
The A-Z of Great Classrooms by Roy Blatchford
The A-Z of Great Classrooms by Roy Blatchford

The A-Z of Great Classrooms
By Roy Blatchford

Published 14th April 2023

The A-Z of Great Classrooms is a celebration of that magical double act of teaching and learning, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

Over the past twenty years as a reviewer and inspector of schools and colleges in the UK and across the world, Roy Blatchford CBE has visited over 15,000 lessons in more than 1,000 settings. In this book he seeks to distil what happens in classrooms where learners are engaged and excited by what the skilled and knowledgeable teacher presents, weaving in examples, analysis and personal reflections.

Roy Blatchford notes in the introduction:
"Across continents I have enjoyed being in the presence of children, young people and adults being taught by teachers who love their work and whose passion for subject shines through their every gesture and every word. The best lessons - you just don't want them to end!

"'And there's nothing quite like the professional privilege of being in such classrooms, laboratories, dance studios, workshops, music practice rooms, sports halls, libraries, learning centres, sensory zones, outdoor settings, lecture theatres - wherever the learning unfolds."

The A-Z of Secondary Leadership by Andy Hunter
The A-Z of Secondary Leadership by Andy Hunter

The A-Z of Secondary Leadership
By Andy Hunter

Published 27th October 2023

School leadership is the best job in the world, despite being frustrating, exhausting and at times utterly bamboozling. We are required to change our focus frequently and immediately, planning for the next five years one minute, dealing with the next five seconds the next. We manage multi-million-pound budgets and we pick up crisp packets. We live a life of constant contrasts, meeting hurtling deadlines, solving inscrutable riddles, experiencing profound joy and also heartbreaking disappointment. From time to time, we look up from our work and realise how very privileged we are to work in such an important, rewarding, valuable role.

The A-Z of Secondary Leadership considers how we approach leadership in secondary schools, from the moment of arrival in a new post to the exploration of further possibilities. It covers creating a culture, recruiting and retaining the best staff, encouraging cognitive diversity, working with stakeholders, leading in the community and, perhaps most importantly, how to look after yourself as you take on a very challenging role.

The A-Z of Primary Maths by Kate Frood
The A-Z of Primary Maths by Kate Frood

The A-Z of Primary Maths
By Kate Frood

Published 26th January 2024

The A-Z of Primary Maths is a compendium of great ideas for teaching mathematics, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

'Maths foundations must be built in our primary schools. We need to create space for children to play with numbers, to explore patterns, to solve problems, and to laugh and chat in maths lessons. It’s this start that will build a lifelong love of and confidence in maths' – Kate Frood.

The A-Z of School Improvement by Tim Coulson
The A-Z of School Improvement by Tim Coulson

The A-Z of School Improvement
By Tim Coulson

Published 1st March 2024

The A - Z of School Improvement is an authoritative 'can-do' guide to all aspects of improving schools, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

School improvement is about getting every detail right. The serious school leader pays attention to every aspect of school life and focuses on improving it and aiming for excellence.

One of the marks of the successful school leader is a forensic attention to detail. They will look closely and carefully at every aspect of a particular issue, analyse data, and only agree on interpretations after much consideration. While much of a school leader's work is relational, motivational, and relentless, bringing a forensic mindset to bear ensures that actions towards improvement are focused and thoughtful.

The A-Z of Diversity & Inclusion
The A-Z of Diversity & Inclusion

The A-Z of Diversity & Inclusion
By Rachel Macfarlane

Published 31st May 2024

The A-Z of Diversity & Inclusiont is a powerful blend of advice, reflection and provocation on these vital topics, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

Great educators recognise how diversity enriches their organisation. They have an ambition for every learner (adult and child) to be seen, represented and included, for their needs to be met and any barriers they are experiencing to be understood, tackled and overcome. To achieve this requires dogged determination, relentless and forensic focus and unwavering optimism and energy.

Inclusive educators quite literally change lives.     © Blinks 2024

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