Page 46 - The East Sussex Way
P. 46
Word webs
Word webs like this one (Clark, 2022) encourage pupils to Þ nd a
word’s connections with other words and phrases. They allow pupils
to compare and contrast words and provide examples of word
usage in context.
Part of Speech Antonyms
Word Parts
Category Target Word
And Meanings
Functions Other Info
Word association
Word association games allow pupils to process meaning and fully
understand the complexities of language. Ask: Which word goes
with… and why? For example:
• Which word goes with ‘lie’? (exaggerate)
• Which word goes with ‘cost’? (sacriÞ ce)
• Which word goes with ‘guess’? (infer)
Pupils have to explain their reasoning and consider other words that
could be used instead.
Linking to a wider context
Pose questions to encourage pupils to generate wider contexts
around target vocabulary. For example:
Encounter 6
1. Name something that is ambiguous.
2. Give me an example of exploitation.
3. Tell me something that someone with good morals
might do.
4. Can you think of a consequence to colonialism?
5. When might an illusion be used?